

The story follows Satoru Fujinuma, a young man who somehow possesses an ability known as "Revival" which sends him back in time moments before a life-threatening incident, allowing him to prevent it from happening again. When his mother is murdered by an unknown assailant in his own home, Satoru's ability suddenly sends him back eighteen years prior to when he was still in elementary school, giving him the opportunity to prevent a kidnapping incident that took the lives of three of his childhood friends, two classmates and one young girl studying at a different school nearby.

Download link given below

Episode 1:"Flashing Before My Eyes"

Link:Episode - 1

Episode 2:"Palm of the Hand"

Link:Episode 2

Episode 3:"Birthmark"

Link:Episode 3

Episode 4:"Accomplishment"

Link:Episode 4

Episode 5:"Getaway"

Link:Episode 5

Episode 6:"Grim Reaper"

Link:Episode 6

Episode 7:"Out of Control"

Link:Episode 7

Episode 8:"Spiral"

Link:Episode 8

Episode 9:"Closure"

Link:Episode 9

Episode 10:"Joy"

Episode 11:"Future"

Episode 12:"Treasure"


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